Bear Information:
ODFW in Tillamook wants to hear from you if Bears create any property damage to your property. Here is contact information:
Austin Reeder
Assistant District Wildlife Biologist
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
4907 Third St. Tillamook, OR 97141
Office: (503) 842-2741 ext. 18622
Cell: (971) 977-9312
Links to useful information Concerning Bears:
May 2024 Newsletter is ready. CLICK HERE to download.
Neskowin Road Improvement Project:
At the September 1, 2024 NCA Labor Day Meeting, the Midnight Pavers (led by Ken King and Mike Morse) presented their plan to fix our roads at key points in Neskowin. Click HERE to see their presentation and find out how you can help us raise the funds to get this project completed in June of 2025.
Short Term Rental information (May 18, 2023)